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Articles in Category: Home Control Systems

If you experienced home control systems several years ago, you may be concerned about their shortfalls. Discover the answers to the most common smart home concerns.

Smart Home Living Versus Your Personal Concierge

Discover the Answers to Common Questions Regarding Home Control Systems

Smart Home Living Versus Your Personal Concierge

The first smartphone came out in 1992, and it was big. It could send and receive emails and faxes. Fast forward, and we can stream videos, have dozens of apps, and take incredible photographs. The original smartphone has gone the way of the dinosaur.

Why the smartphone history? It’s a little like home control systems. Technology is advancing rapidly, and keeping up with it requires close ties to the industry. At Wipliance, we’ve witnessed this incredible expansion firsthand, starting in the industry 18 years ago. What’s possible now, compared to then, is truly miraculous. 

If you integrated smart home control in its infancy, it may be time for an upgrade. If you have yet to take the plunge, consider the added convenience and enjoyment you’ll get to experience. 

So, let’s look at the concerns many people face when considering smart home living and the answers found in today’s technology.