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Articles in Category: Smart Home Consultant

Smart homes aren’t one-size-fits-all. Build the perfect smart home for your unique needs by working with our smart home consultants. Explore our solutions here.

3 Reasons Why Privacy-Focused Voice Control Matters More Than Ever

Find the Voice Assistant You Can Trust with Help from Our Smart Home Consultants

3 Reasons Why Privacy-Focused Voice Control Matters More Than Ever

There’s no arguing the convenience of home voice control. By integrating a voice assistant with your smart home, you can manage music, lights, locks, and even smart home scenes without lifting a finger.

Still, convenience doesn’t seem to override privacy concerns. According to Statista, 45% of smart speaker users worry about voice data privacy, while 42% worry about voice data hacking.

Are these concerns justified or baseless? Find out below. Our smart home consultants explore three unsettling facts about voice privacy and suggest a better voice assistant for your Phoenix, AZ home.

What to Expect from a Distinguished Control4 Smart Home Consultant

Plus, Learn How to Find a Notable Control4 Dealer in Your Area

What to Expect from a Distinguished Control4 Smart Home Consultant

When looking for a landscaper or painter to service your home, you don’t choose blindly. Instead, you look at their qualifications, experience, and reputation to ensure they’re a reliable company or contractor you can trust.

The same research should be done when choosing a Control4 smart home consultant. While you’ll find many Control4 dealers in the Fountain Hills, AZ area, they’re not all the same. A distinguished Control4 dealer is armed with the knowledge and experience to recommend and deliver the very best solutions for your unique needs.

But that’s not the only benefit of working with a Control4 dealer of record. Below, discover the qualities of a distinguished Control4 dealer and learn how to find one near you.