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5 Ways an Automated Home Can Help with Back to School

5 Ways an Automated Home Can Help with Back to School

Back to school can be a stressful time for kids and parents alike. Make getting back into homework schedules and everyday routines a little easier with smarthome technology installed by Wipliance.

Kids can have a tough time transitioning back into the school year after a summer full of fun, and likewise, parents can have a hard time getting their loved ones to focus and actively participate in their studies. The time between early September and early October can be fraught with temper tantrums and late nights. But, if certain aspects of your home are automated, you’re in luck, because there are a few different ways home automation can ease your back to school pains - here’s Wipliance’s Top Five:

  1. Smart Lights Make Bedtimes Non-Negotiable

One of the toughest aspects of back to school time, for both parents and kids, is readjusting to early bedtimes on school nights. It’s almost a rule of childhood; kids are meant to rebel against bedtimes. But, as a parent, you know how important it is to get them to bed on time, so they have enough energy for school the next day.


Automated lighting control can work to a parent’s advantage in this regard. You can set your lights to timers so the lights in your child's room will turn off when it’s time for them to hit they hay. As you’re putting your child to bed, and the overhead lights shut off on their own, all you have to say is “Well, I guess it’s time for bed.” With automated lights, you never have to argue over bedtimes again.

  1. Create the Ideal Distraction-Free Environment for Homework time

Homework is another difficult adjustment kids make when returning to school. After a summer of carefree fun, the last thing young kids want to do is get back to nightly homework. Plus, kids are masters of procrastination - they’ll find and do anything they can to distract them from homework or chores.


But, with home automation, the remote control is forever in the hands of the parent. You can control when your entertainment center is accessible, eliminating TV and music as a distraction. But that’s just the beginning. With providers like Wipliance, you can automate everything in your home, from the shades to your wifi network, giving you the ability to create a completely distraction-free, ideal study environment for your kids.

  1. Kids Are Safe After School

Don’t ever worry about your kids accidentally tripping the alarm system! With an automated security system, you can set parameters that only grant access to your kids. You can set up an automated security system with varying levels of complexity - the system can recognize your kids via a smart FOB clipped to their backpack, or you can provide them with a keycard or code, keeping your home secure and your kids safe.


Kids alone after school can be a major source of anxiety for parents at the start of the school year. If you’re a parent that has to work while the kids are home after school, an automated security system can help keep your kids safe. A lot can happen in those afternoon hours between 3 and 6, but an automated security system will make sure your kids are safe when you can’t keep an eye on them.

  1. Monitor Your Kid’s Activities

Another fantastic function of an automated security system is remote viewing. If you’re worried about your children being home alone after school, an automated security system allows you to keep a watchful eye from a distance. Pull up your security feed from your office computer, or on the go from your phone or mobile tablet to see what your kids are up to and to check in on them.


An Automated Security system will help you deal with one of the trickiest issues that parents face today - actively monitoring your kids' activities and without becoming an overbearing helicopter parent. Remote viewing allows you to drop in on your kids without intruding on their fun. They can stay safe without being annoyed or fussy over being watched.

  1. When it’s Time to Play, Fun is Just One Button Away

Between school, homework, and extracurricular activities, kids need the opportunity to cut loose. In just the same way that you can quickly and easily create a distraction-free zone, home automation allows you to turn the FUN back on with just the touch of a button. Your home entertainment center, music, televisions, lights, you name it; it's all accessible from a single wall panel.


Back-to-school time is just one example of an everyday aspect of your life that can be simplified and optimized with home automation. If you’re looking for home automation services in Seattle or Bellevue, Wipliance can handle each and every one of your needs with creative, technical solutions that are precise in their execution.

If you’re interested in any of the ways Wipliance can help, please get in touch today!


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