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Articles tagged with: Music Licensing

Can I Play That Song? Answers to Your Music Licensing Questions

Wipliance is the Expert Commercial Audio-Visual Company in Scottsdale

Can I Play That Song? Answers to Your Music Licensing Questions

Sound moves us. It serves as a soundtrack to our daily lives, whether we’re listening to music while we eat breakfast in the kitchen or gently nodding our heads to the beat while we shop the racks of our favorite retail store. 

As a business owner in Scottsdale, AZ, you can encourage your customers to enjoy the time spent in your establishment with the perfect music selection. As a commercial audiovisual company, we can install a sound system that lets you find the right tempo, volume, and lyrics to convey your brand’s personality and create the perfect atmosphere with a few taps of your finger. But playing music can be a tricky situation if you’re not familiar with the process of getting it licensed. 

Keep reading below to learn more about this interesting topic!