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Articles tagged with: Smart Home Design

5 Cringe-Worthy Mistakes in Common Home Lighting Plans

Work with Our Lighting Designers to Properly Illuminate Your Home

5 Cringe-Worthy Mistakes in Common Home Lighting Plans

During a home build, architects create a lighting plan that may look great on paper. The layout seems clean, symmetrical, and functional. Checks all around, right? Not necessarily. Too often, these plans aren’t designed with you in mind, which results in underwhelming and impractical lighting installations.

David Warfel, founding designer of Light Can Help You, presented at the CEDIA Virtual Expo last year on the Nine Deadly Sins of Lighting Layouts that his team sees all the time, and the home lighting designers at Wipliance couldn’t agree more. Below, we highlight five of these lighting mistakes we see most often in Seattle, WA, and surrounding areas. Have you seen these mistakes, too? Read on to find out.

What to Look for in a Home Automation Company

Here Are Four Important Questions to Ask

What to Look for in a Home Automation Company

Integrating home automation into your Redmond, WA home is not an easy task. While there’s no shortage of DIY smart devices and systems, making them all work together might seem daunting when you get beyond the simple things. If you’re a Microsoft or Google engineer, perhaps you enjoy dabbling in home automation for the fun and technical challenge. But even the most tech-savvy homeowners discover that doing serious home automation projects demand significant time and attention to detail. For most people, debugging things that don’t work consistently or quite right or is not how they want to spend their time. That’s the value you get from engaging a professional home automation company for your project.

How do you evaluate a home automation professional? To an extent, you will perform due diligence as you would with many other service providers, looking at verifiable reviews and getting recommendations from trusted people. But there are a few specific questions you can ask to get a better sense of what company will be the right smart home partner for your project. Let’s look at them in more depth below.

The Interior Designer’s Guide to Designing Luxury Smart Homes

Get Inspired with These Tips from Our Home Automation Company

The Interior Designer’s Guide to Designing Luxury Smart Homes

When it comes to interior design, smart homes are changing the game. Beyond creating personalized spaces that appeal to unique styles and needs, interior designers today must be able to incorporate an increasing number of devices into their projects as smart home technology becomes an expected feature in luxury properties throughout the Seattle, WA area.

By partnering with a home automation company like Wipliance on your projects, you’ll have the tools you need to create spaces filled with intelligent solutions that blend beautifully—or even add to—your interior designs. Read below for a few ways our team can help you make beautiful spaces smarter.