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Articles tagged with: Smart Home Technology

3 Reasons Why Privacy-Focused Voice Control Matters More Than Ever

Find the Voice Assistant You Can Trust with Help from Our Smart Home Consultants

3 Reasons Why Privacy-Focused Voice Control Matters More Than Ever

There’s no arguing the convenience of home voice control. By integrating a voice assistant with your smart home, you can manage music, lights, locks, and even smart home scenes without lifting a finger.

Still, convenience doesn’t seem to override privacy concerns. According to Statista, 45% of smart speaker users worry about voice data privacy, while 42% worry about voice data hacking.

Are these concerns justified or baseless? Find out below. Our smart home consultants explore three unsettling facts about voice privacy and suggest a better voice assistant for your Phoenix, AZ home.

What to Expect from a Distinguished Control4 Smart Home Consultant

Plus, Learn How to Find a Notable Control4 Dealer in Your Area

What to Expect from a Distinguished Control4 Smart Home Consultant

When looking for a landscaper or painter to service your home, you don’t choose blindly. Instead, you look at their qualifications, experience, and reputation to ensure they’re a reliable company or contractor you can trust.

The same research should be done when choosing a Control4 smart home consultant. While you’ll find many Control4 dealers in the Fountain Hills, AZ area, they’re not all the same. A distinguished Control4 dealer is armed with the knowledge and experience to recommend and deliver the very best solutions for your unique needs.

But that’s not the only benefit of working with a Control4 dealer of record. Below, discover the qualities of a distinguished Control4 dealer and learn how to find one near you.

How to Beat the Wait Times for Your Anticipated Smart Home Tech

Plan Your Projects Early with Our Smart Home Consultants

How to Beat the Wait Times for Your Anticipated Smart Home Tech

Over the last several months, products from cars to game consoles to home appliances have hit a supply snag. Tech across all industries, including custom integration, is low in stock but high in demand, making it hard for homeowners to get the products they want—especially as we enter the holiday season.

You might be asking: What’s causing the shortage of popular home technology and AV products in Seattle, WA, and beyond? What can a homeowner do to combat the long wait times for their anticipated projects? Our smart home consultants at Wipliance weigh in below.

4 Common Misconceptions About Smart Home Automation – Busted!

Discover the Scalability, Convenience and Personalization of Control4

4 Common Misconceptions About Smart Home Automation – Busted!

There are two ways you can add smarts to your home: the do-it-yourself way or the do-it-for-me way (or a hybrid of the two). There’s nothing wrong with taking on the project yourself, but you’ll eliminate frustration and enjoy a much more intuitive and reliable result when you bring in a professional installer.

While many homeowners in Phoenix, AZ agree that a professional smart home automation installation offers more rewards than a DIY installation, some worry that they’ll lose the ability to expand or personalize their system later on, or they’ll be limited to a narrow selection of products and brands that they can add to their smart home system. We’re here to bust these myths!

Keep reading to learn the truth about the incredible scalability, convenience, and personalization of Control4 home automation.

The Interior Designer’s Guide to Designing Luxury Smart Homes

Get Inspired with These Tips from Our Home Automation Company

The Interior Designer’s Guide to Designing Luxury Smart Homes

When it comes to interior design, smart homes are changing the game. Beyond creating personalized spaces that appeal to unique styles and needs, interior designers today must be able to incorporate an increasing number of devices into their projects as smart home technology becomes an expected feature in luxury properties throughout the Seattle, WA area.

By partnering with a home automation company like Wipliance on your projects, you’ll have the tools you need to create spaces filled with intelligent solutions that blend beautifully—or even add to—your interior designs. Read below for a few ways our team can help you make beautiful spaces smarter.

4 Ways Home Automation Can Help You Save Time in the New Year

Personalize Your Control4 Smart Home to Work for You

4 Ways Home Automation Can Help You Save Time in the New Year

Many people enjoy creating resolutions at the start of a new year. On the other hand, others may feel like they don’t have enough time to plan and execute big changes due to long workdays, busy family life, and tight routines. If that describes you, perhaps your resolution should be to find ways to save time so that you can do more outside your daily schedule.

A Control4 smart home automation system offers manyways to help you save time every day. Control4 works for you by automating daily functions around your Phoenix, AZ home and providing intuitive ways to operate your home in seconds—no matter where you are. Read below to learn four time-saving ways to use your Control4 smart home in the new year.

What Should You Prewire for When Planning a Smart Home?

Lay a Solid Foundation for Home Technology Today and Tomorrow

What Should You Prewire for When Planning a Smart Home?

In the age of wireless technology, why are we talking about prewiring for a smart home? Can’t all smart home devices connect wirelessly to the network? Well, it’s a little more complicated than that.

A smart home automation system featuring integrated solutions like lighting and shading, multi-room audio, and home security requires a strong foundation to work reliably and scale easily within an expansive property. Additionally, wiring for smart home technology before the walls go up mitigates expensive and intrusive installations for technology later.

If you’re an architect planning a smart home in Seattle, WA, the Wipliance team can help you integrate value-added technology solutions within your preliminary design. Keep reading to learn how a wired foundation can underpin the key solutions in your next smart home project.